Ayurvedic Massage & Bodywork Therapies Treatment Menu

Please note: Every session includes a 10-15 minute herbal steam after the conclusion of the bodywork therapy. This “svedana” or herbal steam, is part of the medicine and is included in the treatment cost. It is separate time from the listed treatment times below.

Abhyanga Massage & Bodywork Therapy

60 minutes - $125 | 90 minutes - $175

One of the most traditional Ayurvedic treatments, abhyanga uses friction-based strokes and warm dosha-specific oils. As the oil is massaged into the skin, it penetrates the tissues to loosen toxins at a cellular level. This style of massage promotes circulation, boosts immune system function, and creates deep relaxation in the mind and body. Herb-infused oils are prepared specifically for your physical and mental constitution. Abhyanga draws out impurities and improves immunity by increasing lymphatic circulation.

Shirodhara Massage & Bodywork Therapy

60 minutes - $140

Shirodhara is a meditative and tranquil treatment centered on a soothing stream of warm oil that’s gently poured over the forehead and onto the third eye chakra, the energetic center of intuition that’s also known as ajna. This treatment includes an upper body massage focusing predominantly on the back, head, neck, and shoulders. It is known to calm the central nervous system and integrate the mind and body. After experiencing shirodhara, some say they feel a sense of restful awareness.

Abhyanga - Shirodhara Treatment & Massage | 90 minutes - $190

Combine the two core Ayurvedic Massage and Bodywork Therapies for an ultimate Treatment experience. Combined together, these treatments help to alleviate blockages of the “Pranavaha Srota,” or the channel that carries our life force. It opens the circulatory, lympahtic, and respiratory channels to alleviate stagnantion. In addition, the warmth of the oils applied to the full body combined with the specific strokes tonify and strengthen the muscles as well promote healthy fat tissues to protect and nourish. It offers a luscious facial, neck, and upper chest massage to nourish and soothe tension that is held there. It closes with the application of a medicated oil to the head which provides maximal parasympathetic nervous system relaxation. This is such a great treatment in the colder months of fall & winter!!