Ayurvedic Medicine - A System Of Health, Healing, and Wholeness

Did you know you can attain and support a vibrant state of well-being by identifying your unique mind-body type and building a lifestyle that continues to support it?

Ayur (or Ayus) means Life and Veda means Science. Ayurveda is the science of life, or more specifically the science of vitality and longevity. It is a system that is based on the natural laws and rhythms of the universe. It approaches each individual as a totally unique entity, and takes a holistic approach to well-being.

This "Life-Wisdom" will offer you a personal guide for a life of happiness, vitality, love, and purpose. Ayurveda states that health is not just the absence of a definable disease; it is a state of vibrant well-being that comes through the dynamic balance of our body, mind and soul.

Experience Ayurveda

This unique system of healing encourages us to harmonize our internal rhythms with those of nature to enliven our health and wellness. When toxic residue accumulates in our physiology due to improper lifestyle & diet, we feel out of balance! However, through Ayurveda's recommendations we can cultivate a particular set of lifestyle practices that will support us in maximizing nourishment and minimizing toxicity. 

1-on-1 Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultation

Together we will discuss lifestyle & diet suggestions to support the health of your mind and body. During your initial consult, we will explore your Prakriti (your dominant dosha) and Vikruti (your current snap shot of health). Learn how the choices we make about our experiences affect our overall wellbeing—including our choices about food, relationships, sensory experiences, sleep, work, and daily routine.

Together we will collaborate to create an Ayurvedic daily routine that works for you! Schedule a consult today to discover the tools Ayurveda offers us to ensure greater health and wellness.


Initial Consultation & Report of Findings: $250 - 2 hrs split across two sessions - 75 minutes & 45 minutes each. Initial Consultation includes a comprehensive analysis of your medical & health history as well a review of your current diet & lifestyle. Report of Findings includes a personalized Ayurvedic analysis plus a recommended treatment plan.

Follow-Up Visits: $115 (50 minutes)   

Cancellation policy: No refund for cancellations less than 24 hours in advance.

“By tuning into the subtle energies of the body, mind, and life force we can see what often remains unseen. These insights reveal where we may be out of balance and what we need to do to return to an optimal state of being.”

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.